Monday, February 12, 2007

Project: War Wagon

So I've officially given my latest addiction an official name, Project: War Wagon (kudos to Epheros for the formatting idea). While I doubt this will ever get published, I figure everyone has to start somewhere before they get to the top of the midden heap.

As to the details of the project, I'll be keeping those pretty close to the vest at the moment. Yes, I'd like to blab to everyone what I'm thinking, but I'm a bit superstitious about dooming myself too early (something I already fear I've done by even talking about it). Aside from my Monk-like OCD, I also don't want to reveal too much of the plot or story without changing names. Since I'm not overly creative, I've used names of real people as well as used their character traits. not something I'd suggest (except for biographies) but something I had to do to get things rolling.

So, the War Wagon is rolling (not to be confused with the John Wayne movie) and I'm hopefully aboard for the long haul.

Maybe I should stop blabbing here and get to writing.

But I can't. I'm at a crossroads in the story, and just can't decide. So I'm keeping the flow going by writing here about nothing.

Feel like you've wasted your time yet?

No? Want more?

Well, I think I'm done, sorry.

Besides, I need a break from the chair and cube. And another Diet Coke is calling my name.

And Epheros, you may be getting an email shortly about my plot dilemma. I think it's becoming more of a question of how to introduce than should they live or die.

1 comment:

Epheros said...

No problem! Also, sorry I haven't got back with you about the stories you sent over so far, I'm been a little engaged with Project: Dust. I will get those to you in a little bit.
