Friday, April 17, 2020

40 Years Ago Today - April 17, 1980

My dad wrote a letter to my Grandma Dorothy and mentions that both of us were getting over colds or hay fever. He also says that I am "...still going to school, and seems to enjoy it." A great part of the letter is where he says I'm acting like I'm the boss.

I'm also reading a little but still get mixed up sometimes. My dad says he's also going to start teaching me to tie my shoes and dress myself. My dad mentions my Uncle Gary's upcoming wedding in Chicago and that my mom is going to take me to it. My dad mentions a roommate living with us and that he will be going back to California soon and shares his concern over the housing market and interest rates impacting the sale of the house. And then, the best part of the letter, is my ability to use scissors, tape, and glue. Especially in relation to carpet!