Thursday, November 02, 2017

LOST With Elizabeth - Finale

Well folks, it looks like the LOST With Elizabeth idea dried up sooner than expected. I had hoped to continue watching, writing, and discussing the show with my daughter but two big challenges arose. The biggest one was that the Season 3 discs no longer have questions at the end of them. So even though we made great progress into Season 3, we no longer had any discussion prompts. The second hurdle, and one that was expected, was school finally caught up to us. We started this project over the summer when bedtimes were much more flexible. As school began, our free time declined and so did our discussions.

So because school is more important than these blog entries and because I don't have the free time to create discussion questions, we've decided to table the project for now. There are two or three other shows I'd like to watch with her to see what she has to say but have yet to come up with a way to do it. So LOST With Elizabeth will be like The Knight Rider and Magnum PI posts in that they will only occur as time allows.

Meanwhile, I'd like to thank you for reading her thoughts and I hope you stick around for more!

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