Friday, January 27, 2006

Mom meets Franco Harris

Wow.  It’s just before noon and my mom called.  She’s headed to Kenosha today for a quilt show.  Thinking it was an emergency, I was a bit tentative in answering the phone.  But I knew I would have to answer.  Fortunately, the first thing she said was that it wasn’t an emergency.

And it was good news.

She just shook the hand of Franco Harris.

He apparently had just finished a press conference at the airport (which was all decked out in Steeler colors of course).  She took pictures during the press conference and of his statue and all the decorations.  Can’t wait to see how they turn out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lost my digital camera yesterday. The only pictures on it were of Franco. Sure hope one someone finds it today. Not nearly as bummed about the camera as I am the pictures!