Monday, February 12, 2007

Weekend Update

Couple of things to get off my chest before I burst.

First, some prayers have been answered. I'm not a religious person (I consider the Bible a work of fiction), but I've been known to pray on occasion. Generally when I'm in some sort of peril or stressful situation.

But the past 6 months or so I've taken some time aside from my day to pray. Nothing formal, nothing regular, just something I decided to do. Something I felt like I needed to do. I think I had reached a stressful point in life and needed some guidance. Well, none came, but I kept at. I haven't prayed as much recently, likely because my prayers weren't being answered.

Guess that defines my level of faith. It's as strong as my attention span is short.

Anyway, one particular prayer was answered in a rather unexpected way. So, I'm glad to report that good things do happen to good people.

Now if I could only feel good about praying for good things to happen to me......

Second, my writing is continuing. I've got a good 7,000+ words down on paper. According to this source, that's the size of a novelette. Wow. I'm impressed with myself. To help ground myself, I've set a goal of 100,000 words. Huge, I know, but it should keep me on an even keel. And besides, it's easier to take words out than put them in, right?

And to think I haven't even gotten to where I want to go with the story. And that's a little scary. Even scarier, I haven't filled in the gaps of the existing story (like descriptions of the setting, details on the plot, details on the characters, etc.).

Grammar and spelling is decent though, guess that's a good thing.

Finally, again related to my writing, I need some help. Yes, I need help already. I need to know what to do with a particular character. Keep them alive, or kill them. Sounds simple, but it's a question that needs to be answered. We'll call the character "Sixx."

You decide if she becomes "Deep Sixx."

Post a comment to let me know how you feel.

1 comment:

Epheros said...

Dude!! Excellent job!! Keep it going, the first thing about rough drafts that is the most difficult is getting it done. Afterwards, you already have the story in all it's naked glory, that's when you get to pull your hair out trying to figure out what clothes to dress it up in.

I thought a... oh wait, it just hit me. A "novella", if I remember right, was between 20k and 35k words I thought, maybe up to 50k to 60k. I didn't know there was such thing as a novelette.

As for your character's and whatnot, hrmmm, maybe I should send you an email with my phone number. I have a friend in Spokane I talk to all the time about my stories and he helps me flush out plot's, characters, you name it.

Let me know if you'd be interested, it's always good to have someone to bounce ideas and concepts off of.

On that note, Project: Dust may actually see the light of day. I talked to my friend last night and he helped to expand my idea a bit that should help get me in the right direction. Sorry, I don't think the fire truck is gonna make it's way in there though. :-)

Again, great job!! And thanks for the kudos, I'm glad you liked my naming scheme. :-D
