Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Potomac Elementary School, King George, VA

Can you tell I'm busy at work today?

Now that I've jinxed myself, I scanned this old photo from the days of yore. It's Ms. Francis' First Grade class at Potomac Elementary School in King George, VA. Time frame is October of 1982. From the surrounding landscape, I'd say this was taken behind the school (the furthest side from the front doors of the time) on one of the soccer fields. If I recall correctly, there was nothing out there but open field. The playground didn't come in until a few years later, and that would have been closer to the school from my best guess.

I've named as many people as I could, but they are garunteed names nor spellings. Old age tends to make you forget things that were vitally important years ago. Like who the guy is sitting in front of you in class.

Anyway, if anybody out there finds this and knows who these people are, please feel free to send me an email.

Front Row (l to r) Unknown, Unknown, Jeff Orsalack [confirmed, I know I spelled it wrong, but it's close]

Middle Row (l to r) Kara Farrington [I think], Unknown, Unknown, Sean Gates [confirmed], Neil Richard [that's me], Jason Nance (Bryant) [I think this is him, his last name changed at some point]

Back Row (l to r) Sarah Simpson [now Sarah Snow], Vicky Tannenbaum [I think, last name may be spelled wrong too], Unknown, Unknown, Lenny McLelland [later commited suicide, last name may be spelled wrong], Anita Davis [I think last name could be White], Unknown

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