Monday, May 12, 2008

Booky News

No, not like a gambling bookie, I'm talking books.

Heliotrope Issue 4 is live!

Online and viral advertising appears to be taking off for books. Which is how I got one of the few ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy - or in this case ARE as in Advanced Reader's Edition) versions of a book. It's called The Lace Reader. Stay tuned for details on how you can me (and you) enter to win a free Sony Reader (a chance to win for everyone that helps out!).

I'm a die-hard XML fan and have been pushing for anyone and everyone to hear about its benefits. Looks like some publishers are pushing for the same thing.

And finally, e-books have popped up in the news, this time in a way I'm not sure I like. The company, Dnaml, looks like they want to take e-book to the next level by junking it up with all sorts of videos, graphics, audio, etc. The jury is out on this one, but it doesn't look good.

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