Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Who would you invite to your Thanksgiving Dinner?

So on my way home I tend to daydream. A lot. So yesterday I began to ponder who I would invite to my dinner table for Thanksgiving. While I didn't have time to think of a complete list, I did get a few people down on paper (so to speak, i actually used my phone as a voice-recorder, after all, it's hard to write and drive).

So here's my invite list in no particular order. Feel free to add your own or come up with your own list.

Bertha Richard (pictured at left)

My grandmother on my Dad's side. She passed away in 1987 rather suddenly and, being a kid at the time, I never had the chance to ask a lot of questions. She was a great cook and, after she died, the family ended up eating a lot of pies from her freezer. So while I knew her, I didn't KNOW her. I've always wanted to know more about her. I would want her to cook the dinner.

Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart

These great actors would be our entertainment. I know there's a long list of female actors I could have included, but I had a difficult time narrowing it down. So I settled for these two. Maybe they could re-enact a scene from Harvey (with Grant being the rabbit of course).

Mr. Rogers (pictured at right)

I grew up with him on PBS and had the distinct opportunity to have him speak at my college graduation. It's hard to describe hundreds of students and their parents singing "Won't You Be My Neighbor" in a gym. But I'd really like to know if he was a sniper in Vietnam. And I'd like him to give the blessing.

Shakespeare and Socrates

These historical figures would be there simply for eye-candy. I've always wondered how they dressed.

Valentine Hollingsworth (signature is above)

This ancestor of mine helped William Penn settle America. From him I would like to get a perspective on what the trip was like and how hard it was to settle the land. I'd also like to know how life was (in Europe and over here) as a Quaker. He would put the "Thanks" in Thanksgiving.

Elaine Cunningham and Kurt R. A. Giambastiani

These two authors have struggled to "make it" despite their hard work and quality content. While they are published authors, they would "keep it real" at the table. Elaine has always been, in my eyes, a writer disguised as a mother. Kurt would provide a worldly point of view while being a typical PacNorWester (Pacific North Westerner).

George Phillips (far right, second row)

Another ancestor, this one my grandmother's (Bertha from above) father. He was a hard worker and homesteaded in Nebraska. But I'd really like to know if he killed his daughter Violet. If so, why and if not, who did? Quite a morbid discussion for the dinner table, but we all need a black sheep in the family, right?

Friends and Family

I'd of course invite all my friends and family. While that is quite a large number (all family, not many friends), it would be great to see everyone together, eating great food, and talking about everything.

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