Wednesday, August 19, 2015

1991-06-24 - Train Trip - Day 1

It was June 24, 1991 and I was about to embark on a journey across the country. A trip that I had taken many times before with my father but this time we were taking the train. We left from Fredericksburg, VA and made it to Alexandria, VA before being delayed due to a chemical spill of some sort. I couldn't find any reference to it in the local papers.

As you can tell from the expression on my face, an expression that will be seen countless times through all of these videos, I was not at all pleased to have my father shove a camera in my face. Granted, it wasn't one of those giant camcorders that needed a VHS tape, but still. The constant nagging to "say something" and "speak up" still get on my nerves 24 years later. But after frequent viewings, I'm slowly developing some thick skin.

For those watching, the only editing done was to split this into individual days. So all those beeps and clunks and blue screens are left in there. I thought about editing them out but figured I would keep them in as original condition as possible.

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