Friday, January 16, 2009

Bird porn for my Mother

My mom has recently been on some sort of bird kick. This guy (or gal) has been haunting (and hunting) in our backyard for about two weeks now. See it during work and finally got a decent shot of it.


Anonymous said...

"bird porn"..... that cracked me up.

It looks like some kind of hawk? As if I would know....

thanks for sharing with me tho.

Love, Mom

Neil Richard said...

Looks like a hawk to me too. Has a nice, wide wingspan. Curved beak.

Anonymous said...

that's one big fekkin' bird, man.

We get some hawks out here, but they like to sit on light poles, so even though they're huge, they look tiny way...up...there.

Cool pic, man.

John Zeleznik said...

There is a red tailed hawk that roosts near my school and flies around quite often. When I was coaching, the JV head coach would stop practice, call all the kids over and have them watch the thing. It's hilarious.