Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Anton Strout's Green Haze

Bear with me while I do some explaining.

First, I was out sick yesterday, so I'll be a bit catching up on things. So if I owe you money or an email, you'll just need to wait.

Second, I recently finished reading True Colors and was very disappointed. You can find the link to me short review in my Reading Log.

Finally, when I combine these two items, I get a green haze. You've all heard of a "purple haze," right? Well I was in a bit of a green haze yesterday. You know that feeling of lightheadedness you get when you wake up and you feel all crappy kind of like you drank half a bottle of Nyquil the night before? And you know how you semi-hallucinate and see and think things that are just bizarre? Well, thanks to one Anton Strout, author of Dead To Me, I had an even more bizarre green haze yesterday.

Within the first 30 pages of his book, I was able to get a dose of ghosts, psychometricaly induced coitus interruptus, and peek at the workings of an unofficial government agency.

I'm sure you can imagine how my green haze went. Well beyond the bizarre.

But thanks to yesterday's sick day, I was able to make serious progress reading.

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